
Showing posts from June, 2018

Live Life

If thou art rich thou'rt poor, For like an ass whose back with ingots bows Thou bear'st thy heavy riches but a journey And death unloads thee. So tells the Duke to Claudio while preparing the latter to face death, in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. The great philosophical truth of the futility of accumulating riches was, no doubt, understood well by Shakespeare and exquisitely expressed by him in the above words. But a few facts of his life speak otherwise.  The greatest legend of English Literature left his family in Stratford-Upon-Avon in order to join a company of actors as a playwright and performer in London. Do you think that it was solely done to earn a living? Had it nothing to do with fame and riches? He bought the New Place , one of Stratford's most prominent homes, when he was just seven years old in his literary career. Why? Couldn't he have lived in a ...


when hope was bidding goodbye, when longing threatened to devour me, to steal my soul, i read those words, a poet's... i felt them, heard them in a distant voice so painfully familiar... the voice I once breathed, my life... they struck my heart, piercing it, unleashing the blood of pain, completing the mystical sacrifice... just then, those words, his words, like sparks of fire, ignited me, burned me to ashes, resurrected me... in words We became One and I was born again. (The images DO NOT belong to me. They have been taken from Google images.)

The Mind's Battle

Sitting down straight, with a pen held firmly  in her hand, she begins her perilous journey into the dark corners of her mind, to reveal  herself and to wring out those words that have  been lingering in her thoughts for years and years. Before she can jot down that first letter onto  a thin sheet of paper full of battle-marks,  a huge drop of tear collides with her will and  orders her to retreat if she wants to save herself. Being no weakling, she moves ahead, struggling  past illusions, the dread of failure, and the reasoning of her ego, to complete in ink the first letter. The mind is the most cunning and brutal opponent, she had no doubts. In the journey to the next word,  it turns her own will from ally to foe, and  strangles her resolve to complete the journey. Injured and with little life left in her, she waits, not knowing which way to choose- Retreat?  Or move ahead? Moving ahead meant facing...

Reading Minds

How well do you read people? There were times when I used to be proud of my ability to understand people easily. Often I tried to read the different layers of meaning that make up a person and what they say or do, by analyzing their expressions, the way they used words and gestures, and how they reacted to particular situations. Their dressing, tastes and the choices that they made were other important clues. Let me tell you, it made me feel really powerful and I loved understanding people in ways many around me "did not care to" ( I wouldn't say "couldn't do", because I think anyone can do it given they are interested enough.). Now, there's no saying whether I understood them correctly or not, but many have felt that I knew about them more than others did, which pointed to the fact that I was not too far from the right interpretations. Many also started sharing their problems with me because they felt that I already knew a lot about th...

Won't you tell me, my love?

Nine months in the dark room all by yourself, curled up into a ball with very little space to move, did you frown on me, my love? Did you think I did not love you enough? Swimming in your watery abode doing somersaults, swaying like a wave from one side to the other, did you not realize how much I longed to hear from you, my love, how reassuring your tiny kicks were? Listening to the muffled sounds from the other side of the universe, dancing around to the music of my heart beats, did you not recognize my voice from the rest, my love? Did you not hear me calling out to you? Now that we share our smiles and our laughter our coos and our cuddles, and our babbles and our chuckles, Won't you tell me son, the story of your life within me? "...Ammaaamm...Appah..Goo.. Goo..", says my li'l darling.

Here we begin!

We encounter a number of new beginnings throughout our life and two things are common to all of them - the thrills and the jitters . Though I'm super excited to start writing again, I'm also quite nervous about whether I'll be able to do it as freely or as confidently as before. Will it all come in a flow, or will I be left searching in the void? I have no idea, but yes, I've decided to give it a go! I will be writing about pretty much everything here, and will also be using this blog as a repository of all that I've written until now. So, every now and then, I'll be posting works that I published elsewhere earlier. Happy Reading!