Won't you tell me, my love?

Nine months in the dark room
all by yourself,
curled up into a ball with
very little space to move,
did you frown on me, my love?
Did you think I did not love you enough?

Swimming in your watery abode
doing somersaults,
swaying like a wave
from one side to the other,
did you not realize how much I longed
to hear from you, my love,
how reassuring your tiny kicks were?

Listening to the muffled sounds
from the other side of the universe,
dancing around to the music
of my heart beats,
did you not recognize my voice
from the rest, my love?
Did you not hear me calling out to you?

Now that we share our smiles and our laughter
our coos and our cuddles, and
our babbles and our chuckles,
Won't you tell me son,
the story of your life within me?

"...Ammaaamm...Appah..Goo.. Goo..",
says my li'l darling.


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