The Mind's Battle

Sitting down straight, with a pen held firmly 
in her hand, she begins her perilous journey
into the dark corners of her mind, to reveal 
herself and to wring out those words that have 
been lingering in her thoughts for years and years.
Before she can jot down that first letter onto 
a thin sheet of paper full of battle-marks, 
a huge drop of tear collides with her will and 
orders her to retreat if she wants to save herself.
Being no weakling, she moves ahead, struggling 
past illusions, the dread of failure, and the
reasoning of her ego, to complete in ink the first letter.

The mind is the most cunning and brutal opponent,
she had no doubts. In the journey to the next word, 
it turns her own will from ally to foe, and 
strangles her resolve to complete the journey.
Injured and with little life left in her, she waits,
not knowing which way to choose-Retreat? 
Or move ahead? Moving ahead meant facing 
the birth of one and the death of everything else. 
Finally, she chooses the second, and completed 
the next word with the blood from her arms.

Now all that was left was one more word, 
one more step. It was the easiest to take,
because she never had been more sure of 
anything else in her life. She took one last look 
at the wreckage behind her...the torn souls, the 
destroyed ego, the unrealized dreams, the 
sour failures, the millions of moments of chaos 
and confusion...she took them all in -
every word, every face, every moment! 
And then...she wrote the final word with
her breath, hoisting her flag of victory on 
the highest peak of her defeated mind.

Alas! She was never destined to savour the 
happiness of her victory. She defeated her mind
for sure, but the brave lady had willingly lost 
the battle with her life. Years later, she sees 
above her, the thin sheet of paper with ink, 
blood, and her life's breath on it...crumpling 
to ashes right before her mind's eye, in the 
pyre that was slowly devouring her into the 
nothingness she had been before birth. 

(The images DO NOT belong to me. They have been taken from Google Images.)


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