Not yet...
It was perfect. It was divine. It was like how those burning rays of the setting sun, majestic in it's splendor and gentle in it's caress, flood the river with it's magical potion of sparkling affection. I, like the turbulent river, flowing and lashing, felt a thirst so new and unreal, that every moment of quenching seemed to be ethereal. Burning and splashing, flowing and spreading, we created wholes from halves and beauty from chaos. We wrote the divine in the language of nature, little did I know that we had such great power. Alas! Before long, darkness began to creep in, and spread like ink in a magical tumbler of colored water- the golden, the red, the yellow, and the purple, each giving way to an all-consuming blackness. The fire was doused, and Lord!I was scared. My mind's eye covered itself with trembling waves. These black memories, evil like the seven deadly sins,are those that must not be seen. But I saw, and the waves in me quivered, they screamed for help...