Not yet...


It was perfect.
It was divine.

It was like how those
burning rays
of the setting sun,
majestic in it's splendor
and gentle in it's caress,
flood the river with it's
magical potion of
sparkling affection.

I, like the turbulent river,
flowing and lashing,
felt a thirst so new
and unreal, that every
moment of quenching
seemed to be ethereal.

Burning and splashing,
flowing and spreading,
we created
wholes from halves
and beauty from chaos.
We wrote the divine
in the language of nature,
little did I know that
we had such great power.

Alas! Before long,
began to creep in,
and spread like ink
in a magical tumbler
of colored water-
the golden, the red,
the yellow, and the purple,
each giving way
to an all-consuming

The fire was doused,
and Lord!I was scared.
My mind's eye
covered itself
with trembling waves.
These black memories,
evil like the
seven deadly sins,are those
that must not be seen.
But I saw, and the waves
in me quivered,
they screamed for help.

Finding no relief,
no ray of light,
they soon stopped flowing,
...they became numb.
But Time is kind,
it made me wait,
but not forever.
A few hours later,
it brought with it
another beautiful dawn.

Lying on my bed
of mud, weed
and piercing stones,
I look at the soft rays
of glimmering hope
waiting at the doors
of my soul, trying to peep
in through my mind's window,
hesitant and scared,
unsure, wondering whether
I'll let them flow with me...

No, I won't.
Not for now.

Come with all
the pageantry, the fire,
the passion, and the majesty
of your evening rays,
flood my waves
with burning sparks of
yellow, golden
purple, red,
and a million other hues,
set me ablaze in the
fire of eternal and
self-replenishing love,

then, and only then
will I let you in,
and we can flow
for eternity,
...and beyond...


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